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Sound Accessibility in VR

Sounds in virtual reality are a critical part of the user experience. In some cases, it is an essential part for the task (localizing clues, etc.) Therefore, this project examines making sounds in virtual reality more accessible for Deaf or Hard of Hearing VR users. We examine alternative modalities such as visual and haptic approaches to present sound information such as the direction of sounds and sound types to the VR users.


Exploring the SoundVizVR Plugin in the Development of Sound-Accessible Virtual Reality Games: Insights from Game Developers and Players

ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing (TACCESS)

Ziming Li, Roshan Lalintha Peiris

SoundHapticVR: Head-Based Spatial Haptic Feedback for Accessible Sounds in Virtual Reality for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Users

26th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility

Pratheep Kumar Chelladurai, Ziming Li, Maximilian Weber, Tae Oh, and Roshan L. Peiris

Exploring the Use of the SoundVizVR Plugin with Game Developers in the Development of Sound-Accessible Virtual Reality Games

Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems

Li, Ziming; Shinohara, Kristen; Peiris, Roshan L;

SoundVizVR: Sound Indicators for Accessible Sounds in Virtual Reality for Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing Users

Conference on Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS’22)

Li, Ziming; Connell, Shannon; Dannels, Wendy; Peiris, Roshan;

Project Team

Pratheep Kumar
Wendy Dannels
Tae Oh
Ziming Li
Roshan Peiris
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